Sunday, September 14, 2008

Life just got better!

Last night’s results:
Manchester United-Liverpool: 1-2 (Included an own-goal by Brown. Heh!)
Arsenal-Blackburn: 4-0(Included amazing foot-work by Theo, my baby! :P)
Mount Carmel College-St. Joseph’s Commerce College: 2-0

What more can I say?!
Cheers! :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Life is Beautiful! :)

It has been an exceptionally amazing day for me!
I went for football after a looong break, played for 3 hours, didn't attend classes, came back home, played my guitar till lunchtime and went online. I spoke to Pooja for almost two hours over the phone. Immediately after i hung up, i caught her online and we spoke online for about two hours again. Then we decided to meet for Benne Dosey and so we did, within 15 minutes. Later while walking back we went to a haunted house. We didn't realise the house was inhabited and we kept commenting loudly standing right outside the gate. While peeping inside, little did we know that a guy was taking a leak just beside the gate! Haha! How embarrassed he would've been even though we didn't see him peeing. We saw him only after he was done! (Thank God!)
The best part of the day:
Hrishi called from Emirates!!!!!!! Wooohooooooo!! :-) :-) :-)
I'm so honoured to have received a call from Gunners' home. :-) (I'm also very jealous at the same time! Hehe..)
Life can't get any better..
Seriously Hrishi, Thanks a million billion zillion for the call. It made my day! :)
I've been flying, jumping, screaming, running around, laughing, smiling, singing, and kicking my football around- all at the same time! :D :D
I'm so high! Omg! I just can't stop smiling! Hehehehe..
He actually went to the bench, the changing rooms, probably even their restrooms! So Fucking Awesome!!
He is actually where the Gunners will be in a few days! Aaaaahh! Superb!
He Rules! The Gunners Rule! I Rule! You Rule! :D
So long.... :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Is Life Beautiful??

My life is a game and staying away from people who actually mean something to me earns me so many points that I can win anything I want! I guess this is what I have to say to myself to move on.
It’s pissing off really! All my people are leaving or have left to some place out of Bangalore!
Su- Pune, Navu- Mysore, Hrishi- UK, Pratty- US, Sunne- UK, Swetha- UK, Doddi- UK, Sahana- US, Strum- Chikmangalore.
Bloody hell! Absolutely none of my first cousins are in Bloody Bangalore!
I have turned into some kind of a loner now. Uttara keeps to herself most of the times or she is with her other friends. Sup is quite busy with her college. I hardly get to meet her. I guess I’ve only been with Pooja lately. Yeah it’s fun meeting her.
Apart from that, life has been a big bore! Going to college is pretty boring too. I haven’t had football practice for three weeks now. Sigh..

I just bid goodbye to Hrishi, who will leave to London in approximately 5 hours. I stayed at his place for 3 days. It was horrible to part. While I was trying to act all normal n all Sanjana came to me, held my shirt tight and said “Pyees hogbeda”! Fuck! You have no clue how hard it is to refrain from crying when someone says something like that and actually means it! She tugged on my shirt twice, thrice and said “Pyees hogbeda”. I saw her cute little eyes shining with tears. That one little touch brought tears in my eyes too! The innocence, the fact that she actually meant it, I thought I was going to break down then and there. But, I don’t have the courage (or whatever it takes) to cry in front of a lot of people. I sat in my car and started listening to music. Ah! To brighten things up My Immortal started playing. I wept like shit! I thought of Simba, Su, Sanjana and everyone who isn’t with me and cried. At the same time I was trying to hide my face from the rest of them. Now I think “Wtf!” because I’m letting all of you know that I cried! :P

Bah, I just want it to be over so I can go back to being miserable about people rather than miserable about the lack of

PS: Sorry about this Post. It’s so boring and filled with bullshit. If I had read it in someone else’s blog, I would’ve thought “Heh! Get a Life Loser!”
But then again, I feel a lot better after writing this..
