Thursday, May 22, 2008

Trip to Wayanad

Day 1: May 16th, 2008

Our trip began when we left from Navu’s place to Mysore. It was around 10:00 pm. Surprisingly, we were allowed to leave in spite of the lateness. And so we did. We reached our destination at around 12 am and according to Hrishi, we were “early”. So we decided to go to Chamundi hills. But then, Hrishi suggested we go to this place he had been to before, which was apparently a huge piece of land with a few abandoned houses and a canal. Navu seemed to be dead scared to go there. After lot of contemplation, she reluctantly agreed and we left.

We went about two kms away in the opposite direction and took a deviation to the canal. The place was deserted except for a Police jeep. We went in anyway. Omfg! It was the scariest thing I had ever seen! There were around 40-50 unoccupied houses not far from us. It was pitch dark and all I could see is that the houses had metal doors and windows that creaked and banged against the wall in the cold night air. It was a breezy night. Su and Navu refused to get out of the car but Hrishi insisted we go a little further and claimed that there was an interesting board in there. We went in, all of us clinging onto Hrishi. There we saw a board facing a wall so that it’s contents were hidden from view of the passers by. I went forward and read the board. A shiver ran down my spine and immediately I turned around and ran towards the car. The board read

Al-Huja housing and Burial Ground

Damn! Who could possibly take us to a graveyard so late in the night?! *%^^$% Hrishi!! Su wanted the car to be checked for maybe ghosts :P before we sat in. Haha. I gave the houses one last glimpse and got into the car. We sat in silence. I guess none of us could get over the fact that we had just walked into an effing graveyard, except Hrishi of course who seemed to find it quite normal. We reached home and had Sanju waiting outside for us. It was around 1 am. The bed was already made, for us to crash. But we decided to watch a movie instead. We watched a movie called “The man from Earth”. It was an excellent movie about a 14,000-year-old man. Gradually, everyone fell asleep and it was around 3 am when I slept looking forward to the next day.


Rishi said...

Neat start!
Work on more and elaborate..!!

I Write for Fun said...

Nice dude, keep going I want to read more of it. 'Normal to Hrishi' is real neat He he... he is one of a kind.

puurvaadhR said...

awesome dude !
was really engrossing. element of suspense is there
:) :)