Friday, July 18, 2008

The damn intruder; Ever so freaky

That night I slept, ever so excited.

Just the previous night I had gone to bed in tears because my dad had ditched me once more and I was really frustrated. He had refused to buy a bike for me.

The next day though, turned out to be great. I don’t know who convinced him, my gramma, mum, Su or Simba but he agreed to go and book a bike in the evening. Ever so happy I was. I had a test in college the next day. I studied sincerely and finished studying by the time he came back from office. Mom agreed to come back home by herself. So Dad and I left to the showroom and booked the bike, a black Scooty pep+. It’s weird really, one time you are so pissed off with them (dad and mum) that you never want to talk to them again, and the next minute, they are greater than you can comprehend. I came back home, ever so excited. I didn’t really tell anyone about the bike. I would tell them after the bike was delivered.

I was trying to get my mind off the bike to revise what I had studied, when there was a power cut. Suddenly I had all the concentration in the world and I was studying with the light of the emergency light. It was then that I realized I hadn’t seen my mum from about an hour. I called out to her. My gramma answered instead. She said my mum was doing Yoga upstairs. So I continued to study in the dark until my mum came down. She claimed that she had heard someone breathing loudly right beside her while she was doing Yoga. I joked that she mistook her own breathing for someone else’s. (Okay we do crack stupid jokes at home.) But she sounded like she meant it. I started yelling loudly that cops were coming and I warned “the intruder” to shoo off. None of us were really serious. We just laughed about it.

After dinner I lay in bed, reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. I read until two cardinals were brutally murdered. It’s supposed to be extremely gross, but I just laughed when I read it. I shut my book and turned on my iPod. For some reason, I felt a slight tinge of fear. I remembered all these movies when someone is really happy and suddenly he is attacked or something terrible happens to him. I ignored my thoughts and increased the volume on my iPod and fell asleep.

Later that night, I lay wide-awake on my bed, feeling adrenaline rushing up through my body. I had heard a noise outside the room. I couldn’t recognize what it was. Then I heard it again! Someone was tampering with the latch on my door. I wondered why because the door was wide open. I was turning away from the door, my pulse rate ever so high. I heard the jeans I had hung on my cupboard move. My cupboard door creaked and I almost yelped! I didn’t have the guts to turn around and see who it was. It could’ve easily been the wind, but it was hardly a windy night. My imagination went wild. I pictured a thief stabbing me with a knife or puncturing my lungs (Why? Thanks to Angels and Demons; How? I have no clue) or shooting me or even poking my eye. (Lol) I lay there, so helpless. I tried to yell but I had lost my voice. Someone was now fiddling with the curtain rod and then a deodorant bottle fell down making a terrible clatter. It didn’t seem to bother the intruder. Now I was positive there was a thief in my room. I slowly rummaged on my bed for my iPod, my most priced possession. I value it more then I value myself. I found it at the edge of my bed and I slowly pulled it under my pillow, hoping a dagger doesn’t pierce my hand. The intruder was right above my head. I jerked my head like I would’ve done in my sleep and opened my eyes ever so slowly. I saw the belts hanging on the curtain rod swinging. I was so terrified; I could’ve peed in my pants! But I didn’t. That just shows how brave I was. :P I looked at my table. Everything was a mess. I thought to my self “If I was scared the time in Wayanad when I was falling off the cliff, I can’t fathom how scared I am now!” It was the first time in my life I ‘heard’ my own heart beats. I have ‘felt’ it before, but now I could actually ‘hear’ it! I was scared to death! It seemed like the thief had also heard my heart beating ever so loudly! Suddenly all the noise stopped. It was as if nothing had just happened. Not to me though. I looked for my phone. I gathered all my guts and turned on the torch in my phone. I focused the light on all the nooks and corners of my room but saw no one. I focused under my bed. Nothing. I decided to go back to sleep and pretend nothing had happened and I was dreaming. Damnit! I just couldn’t. I got off my bed, quickly took my iPod and my phone and ran ever so fast to my gramma’s room and jumped on the bed. I saw that it was 3:15 am. I lay awake till 4:00 am. I just couldn’t get myself to sleep. I turned on my iPod and listened to Watch Over You and wondered if someone was watching over me from my room. I closed my eyes tight. I fell asleep.

Whatever was that? A thief? A rat? Or a ghost?


Su said...
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Su said...

why two two semicolons in the post heading?

Su said...

'I don’t know who convinced him, my gramma, mum, but he Su or Simba agreed to go and book a bike in the evening...' ??? change maadi..
And yea.. it was my evil ghostly twin who came to check out if my room was fine :P

I Write for Fun said...

hahaha.. Yeah it was Su's twin Ghost i'm sure!!!

Well written.. SCOOTY PEP+ girlie.. Was expecting a bike.. A pep Girl who plays foot ball What a combi!!!@#$%

Sufi Thinker said...

hehehe ...... the more i read dis d funnier it soundsssss LOL
i guess u r doin a wee bit too much of tat head punchin exercise of yrs !!!