Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day of the tedious trek!

The first thing that happened that morning was (as far as I can remember) that I found a cute little puppy. It looked just like my dog. While Addy and Suraj went around looking for a room, I played with the puppy. They came back with news that there were no rooms anywhere. So we were to freshen up in the temple premises. Cosmo and I went first. We brushed and washed our faces quickly. Addy, Preethi and Suraj went next. They freshened up and returned and soon we were on the road handing over sleeping bags and tents to Vishwanath and others. We got rid of some luggage and went for breakfast. It was the most cramped up and crowded restaurant I had seen! We found a table and ordered for 3 masala doseys and two idlis. I think it was then that we were discussing what we could have for dinner when we were to camp at KP and Cosmo made the funniest statement we had heard by far – “We can boil water using leaves”. Can you believe it? Leaves!! He intended to boil water in leaves and make Maggie or something. Hahahaha! I still laugh my head off thinking of that. After tea and coffee we met the people from the bus and left for the trek. We first went through a tiny gully and reached some open space with trees all around. That’s where we found the celebrated “electric” fencing. Hehe. Suraj got a nice long electric shock and was kind enough to get struck again and again by the shock just for the videos. It was LEGEN-wait for it-DARY! :P (You can access the videos from Addy’s Fb profile.) Meanwhile, Cosmo went hunting for crabs in a small stream by the coconut grove.

We started the upward trek by around 9:30, all of us with our backpacks. We took turns carrying the tent we had. Surprisingly, Dimps and Suraj were really fast. Everything was all right until I started feeling ill. It was the thought that I hadn’t got a wink of sleep that troubled me the most. My head started spinning. After climbing up like 500mts I felt extremely sick and threw up! Addy came to the rescue and gave me Pudinhara but I threw up even more. :P (All puking incidents are so funny. I vomited even while going to Kudremukh. Damn! I got out of the bus saying “Wow! I feel good!” and Blearghh!! Haha! Everyone laughed instead of giving me water or something. Bloody!!) Anyway, I still didn’t feel so good. We trekked a little more, and Cosmo carried my bag all the way. The trip was all about crab fishing and snail hunting and carrying other’s luggage for him. Hehe. The boys and Preethi found a nice big tree with branches hanging out like that of a Banyan tree and I found a nice big rock and fell asleep immediately. Addy, Preethi and Suraj climbed up the tree and did some kothi kelsa (Addy, that means monkey’s work) for half an hour. I don’t remember much of that. It was like a dream. By the time I got up, the three of them had climbed down and I was feeling much better. We took breaks every ten minutes. The breaks were the best part of the trip! Our breaks were for fifteen minutes each. While the boys polluted the fresh air, the girls enjoyed the beauty of nature. Hehe. We had trekked for about two hours and we were damn proud that we had climbed almost five kms when we saw a rock that said “Bhattara maney 2500 mts -->”. We were so disappointed and we decided to rest for some more time, simply out of self-pity more than anything else. From then on, instead of speeding up the trek, we extended our break time. Soon the shady forest area vanished and we found ourselves treading on barren land. It was scorching hot! What weather! We perspired so much; we didn’t have to pee for two days. :P We were so eager to reach some Godforsaken Bhatta’s house that Addy and Suraj confidently took a shortcut and led the five of us (the white-shirt-nice-smile-flirt and his friend included). They trekked swiftly and reached the top of the hill we were climbing, only to realise that we were headed in the wrong direction. The morons didn’t even tell us. They just walked away and left us wondering where they went. We marched on in the hot sun, ignorant of where exactly we were going. As the border of the hill lowered, our eyes met a wonderful sight. Bhatta’s house!!! At least we thought that was his house. It was not long before we realised that we completely off track. We stomped on the grass, trying to find our way, cursing the other two goofballs. We had another idiot with us clicking pictures and saying “Wow! Such a beautiful smile ya” every three seconds to Dimps. Cosmo was pissed off that his smile wasn’t being admired! (Heh!) We found a pile of small rocks arranged in a tall triangular manner. It looked very authentic in the middle of nowhere. We clicked some more pictures there and trekked continuously for fifteen minutes. We saw Addy and Suraj waving at us from down below, which was the right path. I remember saying “humph” looking at them. Hehe. The sight of Bhatta’s house and the imaginary food and nice cold water were the only sources of motivation. Only after reaching the entrance of the house did we comprehend that what we thought was the Battey Maney (according to Addy) was actually just a couple of benches.

Bhattara maney was a wide area with two spacious buildings with thatched roofs. One building served as a kitchen and dining place whereas the other one had a cow shed and a bathroom. The first thing we all did was drink cool water from a pipe that brought water for us from a well. The water was so tasty; I filled half my stomach with it. Then we pounced on the food! The delicacies for the afternoon were some sambar rice and majjigay. It is the yummiest majjigay I have ever had. Dimps, Suraj and I had like eight glasses each and were super full and ready for a siesta. We went towards the Areca nut plantations and sought after a shady place. We climbed teeny weenie bridges and found the perfect place. We sat and (ahem) planned the day for a while. We came to a decision and that was to leave to KP at around 5pm and soon I fell asleep. Addy, Suraj and Dimps played 50 games of Rummy (apparently) while I slept. Cosmo was asleep too. Addy termed the sight of our half dead bodies as an African Massacre. Hehe. After we all got up, there was an awkward silence for sometime. I suggested we play Dumb Charades. After two rounds of the game we realised that Cosmo can’t act for nuts. Hehe. We were all too lazy to leave to KP at that time. It was around 6. Cosmo was the only one who was very keen on trekking again. We went to the forest department to obtain permission, almost confident that we wouldn’t get it. To our surprise, the man in charge said we could go at even 6pm and leave immediately and camp at Somvarpet. For some reason, we didn’t leave that evening and again made plans to leave early the next day. I think that day was the dullest day of the trip. We went for a walk uphill, climbed to the highest part of the nearest hill and sat there till it got really dark. It was a starry night. I have never ever seen so many stars in my life! The sky almost looked gaudy with so much jewellery on her. She managed to look gorgeous at the same time. I didn’t take my eyes off the sky because I hoped to see a shooting star. We saw so many tiny dots moving, some quite fast and others at snail’s pace. There was this one particular red and silver dot that led us to a tiny argument. Addy and I said it was a satellite while Suraj, Dimps and Cosmo said it was too fast to be a satellite and that it was a plane. We could frequently see torchlights coming from the path to KP, some of them really bright. They looked gothic. After half an hour’s star gazing, Addy and Suraj started telling us ghost stories. The only one who really got scared was Cosmo. He said “Someone please hold my hand!! Suraj!! Give me your hand!!” Haha! They made a cute couple through out the trip. We left the hilltop with Addy, Suraj and Dimps desiring to call spirits of dead people. Dimps had already done this once, so that encouraged the Hanuman brothers to call the spirit of their friend Ramdev, who passed away under mysterious circumstances. At Bhatta’s house, we had a light dinner and again a litre of majjigay and Su and Addy were off to look for a spot on the hill to pitch our tent. They came back holding the lantern-like tent torch high in the air and gave us a winning smile. They had found a spot on some corner of the hill. Addy, Dimps, Su and Cosmo pitched the tent while I held the torch as high as I could. We put our tents and were checking it. While we were at it, we realised that about just ten yards away, two more groups had pitched their tents and had campfires. We sat in our tent admiring it. It was around 11:30pm. We decided to call Ramdev’s spirit and Dimps wrote down 0-9, A-Z, YES, NO. HELLO and GOODBYE on a sheet and Addy prepared a speech to send the spirit away after “talking to it”. We all held hands and were asked to concentrate on Ramdev for some two minutes. After about thirty seconds Addy and I burst out with laughter listening to some guy singing in Gibberish in the other tent. It was tooo funny! Addy can imitate that guy well. Hehe. Dimps and Suraj had such straight looks on their faces; they had me wondering if they were deaf and didn’t hear the funny song. They yelled at us and made us close our eyes again. We tried, but the song was just too funny. Suraj and Dimps got fed up and refused to do it once more. I think Dimps said something like we were disrespecting the spirits. :P Addy tried convincing them to do it after fifteen minutes when he would’ve gotten over the uproarious song but in vain. Basically, calling poor Ramdev’s spirit turned out to be a fruitless effort. We decided to postpone that along with the trek to KP. After setting three alarms, we fell asleep on the bumpy bottom of our beautifully shaped tent. :)


Anonymous said...

hahahaha excellently described!!!

Sanjana M Vijayshankar said...

neat stuff! u guys "spoke" with "spirits"?..a)u were totally drunk or b)u read too much Shakespeare!