Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Twilight (The movie)

I know it’s too late, I wanted to write it anyway.
What on Earth were they thinking when they made the movie!! It looked like the director, Catherine Hardwicke had a good idea in her mind but the movie turned out completely different, possibly, the opposite.
Twilight is a romantic story based in a fictional town in Washington called Forks, It revolves around the lives of Isabella Swan, mommy’s little girl and Edward Cullen, a vampire. Bella is pale and dull, yet easily becomes the centre of attraction among the boys in Junior High. Edward Cullen is essentially the heart throb of all girls in Forks High School but is unconditionally in love with Bella. Their love leads to complications with others of The Cullens’ kind, and ends with a dramatic, suspenseful build up for the second movie.
Robert Pattinson has been given this supposed-to-be vampire-ish look, and it’s a disaster. He might look like a vampire, but almost everyone who sees him will immediately think he is homosexual. Heck Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black) looks more like a vampire without make up! Edward Cullen is supposed to be this real intense character, with impeccable features but I don’t think anyone who has read the book would appreciate Pattinson’s portrayal of the character.
Kristen Stewart, not a beauty contest winner, just another American face, has miserably failed to represent Isabella Swan from Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series. She might look it, but she is just not it. She cannot act for nuts! She shakes her head a little too much and has the same expression when she is supposed to be able to clearly display a number of emotions. The facial expressions play such an important role in the book!
I just got a hunch that the actors might not have read the books at all to get a feel of the character. If you don’t want me to compare the movie with the book, fine by me. The movie, by itself, to a lay person, will be appalling. Nobody can act in the movie, nobody looks good, the viewer might be confused because too many things that need an explanation are taken for granted and the dialogues are not clear.
There was this particular scene I was shocked by. I was waiting with bated breath to see how they made Edward Cullen look in the sun light. The book gives a beautiful description of him-serene, beautiful, and other worldly, “you shine with the light from the sun” sort of description. There was no mention about silver sparkles poking out of his face in an obscene manner. The baseball game was presented well though, the only part of the movie that was shot well.
The background scores; I don’t even want to think about them. The music was positively appalling! To me, it was like a two hour Kannada movie. There was background music almost throughout the movie, where it was completely unnecessary and it wasn’t nice. The hero getting thumped by the villain before coming back to life was too Sandalwood. The movie is absurd and incongruous. I couldn’t wait until the movie got over. If you really have nothing to do but kill time, after having done all possible things that you can do, then go ahead and watch the movie. Otherwise, it’s not worth it. Half on Five.


Unknown said...

urrgghhhhhh :P !!!!!!
that was sooo hooo totally harsh :"( !!!! wr u trying to give a review or convince yrself tat u don like twilight even thou u do :S !!! bad actin agreed butthe visual appeal made up 4 it .. ie bella = hot , edward = LETHALLY HOT !!!!! n the music score is awesome , wats u sayin ?!! how cud u not like bella's lullaby , or bckgrn music of d baseball match scene .... music is gud ... its got this chilly edge to it ...... don be all tat harsh :"( :"( !!!!

Su said...

"Opposite of whatever you said".

Su said...

its swat btw!

Unknown said...

pbhttttt !!!!!! u know its true in hearts of hearts !! u liked d sleeveless cullen !! huh ! huh ! huh !

Sanjana M Vijayshankar said...

a) i knew "twilight" was gonna be bad news. b) i dunno why its such a big deal!!!! c) kickass review! :D :D