So the movie began with comical stick figures of Stanley and a fat guy with a big moustache fighting over a ball. Then the movie actually began, where the "cute" little boy, enters school. He doesn't take a dabba to school, he eats from other's tiffin boxes, so he gets busted by this fat oaf of a teacher who eats from everyone's dabba. Trust me, he is the most disgusting man you'll ever see on screen! His mouth is perpetually watering (literally) and he keeps wiping it off with a dirty hankie and burping loudly after eating! Yuck! So we saw again and again, shots of tiffin boxes being opened, eaten closed and just like that it was half time!
Only the last ten minutes of the movie make sense and add some sort of story to the two hour-long torturous piece of crap! Seriously! I have never seen such a pointless movie. We laughed ludicrously through out the movie! It just made no sense! There's a song every few minutes that goes "dabbe dabbe noodles ke dabbe, paneer, mushroom, bleeaarrgghh". :-/
Nobody can even act in the movie. It's so made-up! Even my sister, who cried while watching Terminator-2 (!) didn't cry! That should explain, there is a major lack of any sort of "feel" in the movie.
Kids can't watch it, they won't understand anything. Young people can't watch it without cribbing about not having gotten high before the movie, old people might fall asleep. Bullshit I tell you. :-/
Yesterday two hours in the temple and today two hours of this nonsense! So not cool to celebrate like this after I passed exams! I should have watched Tamil movie "Ko" or Golden Star Ganesh's "Cool". Dammit I always make the wrong decisions in life! Sigh!
Well, at least I got my Cheese Quesadilla and Unlimited Coke! So I'm still happyy! :)
Cheers! :)
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