Monday, September 7, 2009

A Clockwork Orange

Hi hi hi there”! A Clockwork Orange is an English movie directed by Stanley Kubrik based on a book by the same name. His last movie was Eyes Wide Shut, starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. According to IMDB, his other movie Full Metal Jacket, is as good as A Clockwork Orange, both being rated 8.5 on 10. A Clockwork Orange stars Malcolm McDowell playing the protagonist, Alex. I was surprised to find that McDowell has done voice-overs for a wide range of cartoons, including my favourite ever cartoon Phineas and Ferb. He has also appeared in TV series HEROES and Entourage.
It’s a tad bit hard for me to write a review on A Clockwork Orange because the movie is very peculiar. It is about a young school going boy Alex, who along with his ”droogs” Georgie, Pete and Dim, goes about his town, wreaking havoc by making outrageous sex offenses. He assumes the surname DeLarge after successfully luring two girls from a music store to sleep with him. Being the leader of his fellow “droogies”, he becomes a “malenky” bit too bossy, his mates betray him and he gets caught by the police, being accused of murder. After two years in prison he volunteers for a therapy that will allow him to get out of prison in a fortnight’s time. The therapy sort of rehabilitates him by creating an aversion in his mind against any sort of crime. So according to the treatment, he is made to “viddy” destructive and violent movies and as a result of it, he gets struck by a wave of nausea and a load of negative reactions in response to “ultra-violent” crimes.
The very first scene in the movie is so bizarre. The first few minutes are very disturbing and might make you want to stop the movie, but once you make it through those petrifying minutes, you’ll be fine. The most eccentric scene in the movie in my opinion is when he is undergoing the therapy. It’s scary and idiosyncratic. The idea of the fake eyelash to make Alex look atypical and mysterious totally works. The intensity of the scenes towards the end is hair-raising! The background scores, a lot of it being Ludwig Van Beethoven’s Symphony9 blends in perfectly. You’ll find a rather strange variation of the British accent and peculiar form of slang among the teenagers. Best if you watch it with subtitles! Alex DeLarge’s character is solid and influential. (The Joker’s character from Dark Knight is inspired by Alex’s character) The movie completely deviates from the normal thriller or drama movies. Very unusual and different. An extraordinary, brutal masterpiece! Four and a half on five.


Sanjana M Vijayshankar said...

duuuuuuuuuuude awesome review!!!!!!! :D :D..i mean, its not everyday that you find someone writing reviews for these kind of movies! B-)but that doesn't mean i'm gonna watch it, cuz it sounds totally bizarre :P :P

Unknown said...

ooooooo !!!!!! u highlighted all d "weirdness" presnt in d movie , lol ! n tat sounds temptin enuf !!! i luv d whole using-movie-lingo-in-quotes thing !!! its not like a normal review either , its almost like d blizzareness seen in d movie is literally projected in d review :D!!!

me? said...

I want you to be a bit more opinionated and write about what you really understood in the movie (the 'second' layer, as they say).. Now that'll be more fun to contradict innit?

Swat said...

Hmmm.. I'll try writing it again. I did realise that what I wrote was more informative more than anything. Not much of my opinion in it. Will try better next time. :) thanks.

Rishi said...

I totally agree that this is not a very easy movie to write a review about.. A very good attempt!

As 'me?' said, it wouldn't hurt to put more of 'you' in it!

And about using quotes from the movie, there is a whole cult language based on the movie (or the other way around, not sure)..!!


Swat said...

Yeah I read that, the guy who wrote the book made up a new speech sorta thing, which he assumed would be the slang teenagers would use in future..
Thanks anyway. :)

me? said...

And whilst we're in this topic, here is a clockwork tee